Thread - Lift


1. What is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift is a fast, dynamic & long lasting anti-aging treatment that uses specialized surgical threads to lift sagging skin, giving a tighter, more youthful appearance. Threads gradually stimulate collagen production to restore facial volume and smooth out deep lines and wrinkles.

2. What is it used to treat?

3. How does it feel?

You may experience some mild discomfort during treatment, however a local anesthetic will be used to minimize and prevent soreness.

4. When will I see results?

Your skin will look immediately firmer, lifted. Collagen production will be stimulated and lost volume will be restored over time as the face moulds itself and collagen is built up.

5. How long will the results last?

The treatment can last up to 18 months. The threads are completely bio-degradable and will be safely absorbed by the body over time. Factors such as exposure to the sun and lifestyle choices may affect how long results last. An ongoing effective daily skincare regime is crucial to help promote and achieve optimum results. Wear a sunscreen daily to help protect your skin against sun damage and ageing.

6. What is the aftercare?

It is not recommended to undergo any beauty treatments, facials and dental treatment during the week following treatment. Any contact sports should also be avoided for the first few weeks.

7. Are there any side effects?

You may experience some swelling or redness after the treatment, however this will subside on its own within a few days. In the event of pain, take a pain reliever as advised by your doctor.

8. Is it safe?

Yes, when performed by a specially trained doctor. Our doctors have undergone international training in a variety of threads under the leading world authorities to ensure that we pass the perfection, skill and competence to our patients for a trouble-free and best experience in the industry.

9. Can a thread lift be combined with other treatments?

Yes it can. Popular treatments such as dermal fillers and skin peels can sometimes be taken at the same time. Upon your consultation you will be able to discuss your specific concern and treatment needs.

10. The kind of threads we do at our clinic?

We do the bidirectional cogged PDO threads and the bidirectional PLLA threads. Both have been popularized under the popular names like “Edge-lifting” & “Single-stitch facelift”

11. Is it a surgical procedure?

No, it is not. In fact it is the best alternative to surgery. We believe that as the face ages every year, modifications in face symmetry require minor adjustments every 2-3 years giving the patient a chance to address what he/she likes the most to be changed.

12. Why choose Dr. Patel for your non-surgical nose reshaping?

With over a 90+ satisfactory patient base in India, Italy, Singapore, Hong-Kong & Australia, Dr. Patel has been the fore- runner in popularizing and creating awareness about this treatment. He has been actively conducting training workshops for doctors in the field of aesthetics in Singapore & has successfully treated Asian, Caucasian & East Asian faces after being trained at an elusive fellowship in Dermatosurgery in Florence, Italy.

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